How and Why Wall Street Put Hitler in Power

Greg Carr
3 min readOct 3, 2024


Few Americans are aware that their own American businessmen supported, funded, propped up, and aided Hitler from the beginning to the end. Below are three books on the topic.

Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler: The Astonishing True Story of the American Financiers Who Bankrolled the Nazis

‘The contribution made by American capitalism to German war preparations can only be described as phenomenal. It was certainly crucial to German military capabilities… Not only was an influential sector of American business aware of the nature of Naziism, but for its own purposes aided Naziism wherever possible (and profitable) — with full knowledge that the probable outcome would be war involving Europe and the United States.’
Penetrating a cloak of falsehood, deception and duplicity, Professor Antony C. Sutton reveals one of the most remarkable but unreported facts of the Second World War: that key Wall Street banks and American businesses supported Hitler’s rise to power by financing and trading with Nazi Germany. Carefully tracing this closely guarded secret through original documents and eyewitness accounts, Sutton comes to the unsavoury conclusion that the catastrophic Second World War was extremely profitable for a select group of financial insiders. He presents a thoroughly documented account of the role played by J.P. Morgan, T.W. Lamont, the Rockefeller interests, General Electric Company, Standard Oil, National City Bank, Chase and Manhattan banks, Kuhn, Loeb and Company, General Motors, the Ford Motor Company, and scores of others in helping to prepare the bloodiest, most destructive war in history.
This classic study, first published in 1976 — the third volume of a trilogy — is reproduced here in its original form. (The other volumes in the series study the 1917 Lenin-Trotsky Revolution in Russia and the 1933 election of Franklin D. Roosevelt in the United States.)

Who Financed Hitler: The Secret Funding of Hitler’s Rise to Power, 1919–1933

Called “one of the most useful and illuminating studies of Nazism” by The New Yorker, this highly acclaimed work of history unravels the secret financial web which Hitler spun across Europe and around the globe to bankroll his dream of world domination.

Hitler and His Secret Partners: Contributions, Loot and Reward, 1933–1945

Tells the story of the financial calculation, exploitation, and greed at the core of the Third Reich, and includes revelations about those who provided Hitler with money.

My Comments

I think America’s focus on colonizing Palestinians, Afghans, and Iraqis would be better off spent on cleaning our own house, and by that I mean sitting down and studying in-depth who is behind all of the evil in America and how to put them in check. A Palestinian date and olive farmer is not America’s enemy nor worthy of oppression, but rather, his religion (Islam) offers us the best solution, if only we would take the time to study it.

