How Has Israel and Zionism Benefited America?

Greg Carr
22 min readApr 23, 2024


In business, politics, national security, and economics, your relationships with any stakeholder must be predicated on the pros and cons of that relationship. If the cons severely outweigh the pros, then this relationship is a severe liability. In this article, I want the reader to question America’s relationship with Israel and Zionism, become informed on its severe costs to the United States and little benefit, and form their own opinion on whether or not this relationship is in our best interests.

Advocates of the US-Israeli relationship cite that Israel benefits America economically with its vibrant tech industry and being a top importer of US goods. However, this is relatively a tiny amount for the US economy: In 2021, 0.7% of total U.S. exports to the World were exported to Israel and 0.7% of the total U.S. Imports were imported from Israel.[1] U.S. exports to the Middle East as a whole account for 3.5 percent of overall U.S. exports in 2022.[2] The U.S. goods and services trade deficit with Israel was $10.7 billion in 2022. Israel or not, the economic benefits are almost negligible to the U.S. economy as a whole. Even if there were zero economic activity between the U.S. and Israel, almost no America would notice a change and those doing business directly with Israel could easily find alternatives in the rest of the world. Actually, it may even benefit America economically by slightly shoring up our trade deficits. Another cited benefit is Intel Corp’s R&D centers in Israel.[3] However, their Israeli R&D centers could easily be placed in the U.S. and the benefits of their Israeli presence benefit Israel more than the U.S. with 11,700 employees whose jobs could go to Americans instead. The $50 bn Israeli investment in Intel could easily be replaced by the U.S. government redirecting some of its $216 bn in military aid to Israel and $81 bn in economic aid.[4] The $297 bn in combined military and economic aid to Israel from 1946 to 2023 could have been spent on U.S. soil to benefit Americans instead, such as solving America’s rising housing and homelessness crisis.[5]

Every pro-Israel commentator cites national security as a major benefit of the U.S.-Israeli partnership. However, America’s alliance with Israel is factually the single greatest threat to American national security since WWII. Israel’s right-wing political war hawks, such as the Likud party, have a clear stated goal of “balkanizing” the Middle East (dividing them into mutually hostile states) to slowly annex their territory and weaken Israel’s enemies.[6] Zionist hawks in the U.S. government with close links to Isreali Prime Minister Ariel Sharon’s Right-wing Likud Party, such as Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Perle, Douglas Feith and L. Lewis “Scooter” Libby, vehemently argued for the U.S. invasion of Iraq and in 2003 they succeeded in convincing Bush to pull the trigger.[7][8][9] In 2002, Netanyahu himself testified before congress as an “expert” pushing for the invasion and falsely claiming there was “certainty” that Saddam Hussein was pursuing weapons of mass destruction.[10] The CEO of Blackrock is Larry Fink, a Zionist American Jew. He sits on the board of the The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), an American think tank specializing in U.S. foreign policy and international relations where he can (scarily) influence prominent members of the intelligence and foreign-policy communities.[11] Blackrock owns billions of dollars worth of shares in every major defense contractor (Lockheed, Raytheon, General Dynamics, Northrop Grumman, and Boeing).[12] Between 1946 and 2023, the US has supported Israel with a total of $124bn in the form of military and defense aid.[13] In July 2023, Tablet Magazine published an article titled “End U.S. Aid to Israel” arguing that U.S. military aid actually weakens Israel’s own defense industry while simply providing a revenue stream for U.S. defense contractors. Proponents of continuing this aid argue that this aid helps both countries to “counter shared threats in the Middle East, particularly Iran.” Yet the U.S. and Israel are the aggressors in the region. Iran offered unconditional rapprochement with the U.S. in 2002 and offered cooperation against Al-Qaeda and the Taliban, but the war mongers in the Bush administration rejected it in favor of pursuing “regime change.”[14] Even in 2003 Iran was capturing Arab fighters trying to cross Iranian borders into Afghanistan and offering them to the U.S., who flatly refused to even accept them.[15]


What Really Triggered the “War on Terror?”

The 9/11 attacks were carried out as a reaction to America’s support for Israel during the 1982 Lebanon War. Our violence against the innocent promotes violence in retaliation against us. Osama bin Laden himself stated why he carried out the attacks, quoted below (bolding is mine):

“Before I begin, I say to you that security is an indispensable pillar of human life and that free men do not forfeit their security, contrary to Bush’s claim that we hate freedom. If so, then let him explain to us why we don’t strike for example — Sweden? … We want to restore freedom to our nation, just as you lay waste to our nation. So shall we lay waste to yours. No one except a dumb thief plays with the security of others and then makes himself believe he will be secure. Whereas thinking people, when disaster strikes, make it their priority to look for its causes, in order to prevent it happening again.

But I am amazed at you. Even though we are in the fourth year after the events of September 11th, Bush is still engaged in distortion, deception and hiding from you the real causes. And thus, the reasons are still there for a repeat of what occurred. So I shall talk to you about the story behind those events and shall tell you truthfully about the moments in which the decision was taken, for you to consider. I say to you, Allah knows that it had never occurred to us to strike the towers. But after it became unbearable and we witnessed the oppression and tyranny of the American/Israeli coalition against our people in Palestine and Lebanon, it came to my mind. The events that affected my soul in a direct way started in 1982 when America permitted the Israelis to invade Lebanon and the American Sixth Fleet helped them in that. This bombardment began and many were killed and injured and others were terrorized and displaced. I couldn’t forget those moving scenes, blood and severed limbs, women and children sprawled everywhere. Houses destroyed along with their occupants and high rises demolished over their residents, rockets raining down on our home without mercy.

The situation was like a crocodile meeting a helpless child, powerless except for his screams. Does the crocodile understand a conversation that doesn’t include a weapon? And the whole world saw and heard but it didn’t respond. In those difficult moments many hard-to-describe ideas bubbled in my soul, but in the end they produced an intense feeling of rejection of tyranny, and gave birth to a strong resolve to punish the oppressors. And as I looked at those demolished towers in Lebanon, it entered my mind that we should punish the oppressor in kind and that we should destroy towers in America in order that they taste some of what we tasted and so that they be deterred from killing our women and children. And that day, it was confirmed to me that oppression and the intentional killing of innocent women and children is a deliberate American policy. Destruction is freedom and democracy, while resistance is terrorism and intolerance.[16]

His other “fatwas” or declarations of war against America cited two justifications: Zionism and the violent Israeli occupation and the presence of American soldiers in Saudi Arabia after the Gulf War.[1 and 2] Notably, the CIA played a prominent role in the 1963 coup that installed Saddam in Iraq. In his perspective, the Arab world would never be free so long as America and Israel are disrupting and balkanizing their countries (which is unanimously agreed upon by everybody), so by attacking America, he desired to cut off American hegemony as a whole and free his lands. If America were to take a hands-off approach to the region and simply act as businessmen who don’t meddle in foreign affairs, they would never have a problem.

To see the Middle East resistance perspective from a moment: It started with Zionism, which evolved into the Nakba, then steady violent expansionism (like taking the Golan heights and invading Lebanon etc.), then CIA coups all over the place from Iraq to Iran, then the ensuing Iran-Iraq War directly as a result, then Americans occupying Saudi Arabia. Where does it end? What is next? Then Afghanistan and Iraq. The West only grows in aggression, occupation, and violence every decade. Clearly, it’s not the “backwards Arabs” (or other racist tropes) that are the problem, but Westerners causing endless death, instability, colonialism, occupation, and destruction (chanting “nuke the Middle East” in their endless bloodlust). Get the white supremacist colonial occupation out of the Middle East entirely, let things settle down, and let us handle our own affairs. That’s how they see things, and the West needs to take a very long and very hard look in the mirror. They never call for colonizing America. We must reign in the diabolic CIA. Stop trying to colonize and Westernize the Middle East. Leave them alone. All of these “terrorist groups” are a direct result of Israel and the USA, and sadly the average law-abiding Muslim citizen pays a very heavy price.

(Note: OBL is not a Muslim scholar, nor mufti (he’s not qualified to issue fatwas), nor leader of any country (he’s not qualified to declare war), nor traditional Sunni (he’s a Salafi), and he and his actions are condemned abroad and refuted by traditional Muslim scholars. Personally, if I were him, I would have used the civil engineering degree and billionaire money to build up Muslim countries, build hospitals/universities/roads/etc., rather than start wars. But you “reap what you sow” and the CIA asked for it, now we all pay the price.)

As a repentant American veteran I must ask myself, my fellow countrymen, and my representatives in the U.S. government: is it worth it? Is our alliance with Israel benefiting us? It brought us 9/11 and the ensuing “War on Terror,” which apparently could be more accurately named “War to Defend Extremist Israeli Expansion and Colonialism.” A basic summary of the costs of the ensuing wars:[17]

● Over 940,000 people have died in the post-9/11 wars due to direct war violence.

● An estimated 3.6–3.8 million people have died indirectly in post-9/11 war zones, bringing the total death toll to at least 4.5–4.7 million and counting.

● Over 432,000 civilians have been killed as a result of the fighting.

● 38 million — the number of war refugees and displaced persons.

● The U.S. federal price tag for the post-9/11 wars is over $8 trillion.

● The U.S. government is conducting counterterror activities in 78 countries.

● At least four times as many active duty personnel and war veterans of post-9/11 conflicts have died of suicide than in combat.

● The wars have been accompanied by violations of human rights and civil liberties, in the U.S. and abroad.

Thus, are we accurately taking into account the costs of being Israel’s ally? Even the most radical, violent salafijihadist Muslim, Osama bin Laden himself, stated that he does not hate America for its freedoms, but for its backing of Israel’s oppressive and violent actions. Was all of this worth it? Of all the parties in Israel, the U.S. government seems to exclusively listen to the most far-right, radical extremist ones, like the Likud party, and wholesale ignore the moderate voices calling for peace and Palestinian statehood.

We can conclude that the opposite of bin Laden’s words are true, that if America simply was laissez-faire and humanitarian in the Middle East, ignoring radicals and listening to moderates on Israeli policies, we can conclude that terrorism would not exist, anti-American hatred would extinguish, 9/11 and its ensuing wars never would have happened, and the region would largely be at peace, Arab citizens would be prospering, and Americans could freely travel and trade in the region. If you compare bin Laden’s words to the radical Zionists, you will find the strange yet factual conclusion that bin Laden is a more moderate voice. Osama bin Laden does not hate you for your religion or ethnicity. He does not kill you to annex your territory. He does not advocate for an apartheid state based on ethnic lines and redefining “Jewishness” to include European atheists with Jewish lineages. He did not massacre civilians at the Sabra and Shatila massacre. He did not kill and wound over 9,000 non-violent civilian protesters in the 2018–2019 Gaza border protests. He did not kill over 31,000 innocent Gazan civilians, mostly women and children, in 2023–24. If you’re more extreme than even Osama bin Laden, I am speechless. The radical Zionists rightfully earned the term “Zionazis” for a reason. So why is the U.S. government inundated with radical Zionist ideologies, which are comparably worse and more extreme, on a factual basis, than even Osama bin Laden’s?

We all easily forget and dismiss the cheering of Israeli citizens caught filming the bombing of the WTC on 9/11. One of them arrested was Sivan Kurzberg, who said “We are Israeli. We are not your problem. Your problems are our problems. The Palestinians are the problem.” Any non-Zionist would question how America’s problems are Israel’s problems and how the Palestinians are America’s problem, or even a “problem” at all (for existing?). Any critical analysis of U.S. foreign policy and the actual forces behind 9/11 will conclude the exact opposite: Palestinians are not our “problem,” it’s Israel’s radicalism. They are so radical that they cheered at the death of American citizens, finding joy in the political leverage it would afford them over U.S. foreign policy and the ensuing wars that followed to attack and balkanize Israel’s neighbors. They are so hell-bent on annexing territory and trampling over Palestinian rights that they cheered our deaths on 9/11. ABC News even published an article in 2002 postulating that they were spies, which was quickly dismissed as a conspiracy.[18] Any sensible American citizen should question our alliance to a radical country that cheers our civilian deaths.

The double standards are conspicuous. Anyone who questions radical Zionism and Likud colonial expansionism is labeled as a racist, criminal anti-semite.[19] This includes “Denying the Jewish people their right to self-determination, e.g., by claiming that the existence of a state of Israel is a racist endeavor.” Yet Israel factually is and was racist. Israel originally discriminated even against Arab Jews who migrated to Israel. Arabs hold less rights than Jews and atheist European settlers and Palestinian Arabs are denied both citizenship and statehood, held in nearly a century of political limbo. Israel has been rife with anti-Arab calls to violence and ethnic cleansing without a single indictment, yet the same speech against Jews would obviously never be tolerated in any country and met with swift legal consequences.[20] Israeli laws discriminate against Palestinians, e.g. only 7% of Jerusalem building permits go to Palestinians.[21]

A slogan reading ‘Jews wake up. Arabs out’ is graffitied on a wall in the West Bank town of Marda, August 24, 2022. Could you imagine graffiti in America stating “Christians wake up. Jews out.” There would be uproar, but in Israel this is normal, legal, and even encouraged. Notably, no Muslim in over 1,300 years of Islamic history has ever written such extremist bigotry in any country.

Israeli violence against innocent Palestinians is horrifying and reckless. Amnesty International stated that at least 507 Palestinians were killed in the West Bank in 2023, including at least 81 children.[22] Israeli forces have even shot at Palestinian ambulances, wounding healthcare workers. Netanyahu and his radical Likud party’s policies are described by Israelis themselves as fascist.[23] Our decades-long support of radical fascist Zionists who encourage endless violence and human rights abuses against innocent civilians is diametrically opposed to our national security, public relations, basic American values, the U.S. constitution, and worldwide U.S. credibility.

PRCS paramedic Sabreen Obeidi was shot in the lower back while aboard this ambulance in Jenin refugee camp

The U.S. constitution states: “No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.”[24] The Declaration of Independence states: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.” The world knows that Palestinians are denied all of these rights, are not viewed as created equal, and their lives, liberty, and pursuit of happiness are severely infringed upon. Radical Zionist supporters have a pathological hatred and arrogant, colonial-like, dismissal of Palestinians’ very existence. Even former Israeli PM Golda Meir claimed that “there are no Palestinians” and they never existed.[25] Yet even the Zionist Organization of America used “Palestine” in their fundraising posters in 1919.[26]

New York Times 1899 Issue, Zionists openly declare that they will “colonize Palestine.” Their intentions from the beginning are clear.

A 1919 poster encouraging Americans to donate to the Zionist cause. (US Library of Congress)

Radical Zionists were profligate in the neoconservative party of the Bush era. In July 2002, Laurent Murawiec gave a presentation to the Pentagon’s Defence Policy Board Advisory Committee demonizing the Muslim world as irreparably and collectively violent terrorist enemies of America and stating that the “Grand Strategy for the Middle East” is where “Iraq is the tactical pivot, Saudi Arabia the strategic pivot, Egypt the prize,” calling on Bush Jr and America’s military to invade and destroy Israel’s neighbors.[27] This would open the door for Israel to slowly annex their territory according to extremist Israeli dreams. As a repentant Iraq War veteran myself, I wondered why I was really there — to find out it was to serve Israel’s violent expansionist interests no matter the cost to human life is disturbing.

A map of Israel’s hard-right extremist expansionist goals.

Israel’s policies lead to persecution of innocent Americans. Zionist backers have used islamophobic propaganda to foment fear and hatred of innocent American Muslims, all in the interest of promoting the “War on Terror.” Anti-Islam activists have spent over $57 million propagating and promoting anti-Muslim hate.[28] The Islamophobia network manufactured hysteria against American Muslims and hyped it across the country. David Yerushalmi stated that “On the so-called Global War on Terrorism, GWOT, we have been quite clear along with a few other resolute souls. This should be a WAR AGAINST ISLAM and all Muslim faithful.” Not even the most radical Muslim terrorists, like Osama bin Laden himself, collectively blame all Jews or all Christians or openly declare war on their religions and people. Only ISIS was comparably as radical to collectively seek persecution.

After 9/11, the CIA, FBI, and numerous police departments including the NYPD all started a spying program on American Muslims to “thwart terrorist attacks,” despite not a single American Muslim being involved in a single terrorist case in American history. Yet the rationale for this irrational Muslim scare was based on a 2007 NYPD Intelligence Division report by Mitchell D. Silber titled “Radicalization in the West: The Homegrown Threat.” The report encourages suspicion of ordinary law-abiding Muslim citizens, stating that “In the pre-radicalization stage, the majority of the individuals who become radicalized have lived ordinary lives without any criminal history.”[29] Years later, the NYPD admitted to their pointless folly: “In more than six years of spying on Muslim neighborhoods, eavesdropping on conversations and cataloging mosques, the New York Police Department’s secret Demographics Unit never generated a lead or triggered a terrorism investigation, the department acknowledged in court testimony unsealed late Monday.”[30] All of this effort to bully and persecute random law-abiding American Muslims is not worth wasting millions of dollars and police efforts.

Many believe and claim that Jews are hated in American society and are unsafe, using claims of antisemitism to justify colonization, illegal settlements, and human rights abuses in Israel. Yet a 2022 Pew study found that Jews are viewed the most favorably and least unfavorably among all religious groups, while Muslims and Mormons are vice versa.[31] Perhaps Muslims and Mormons should be given special protection laws against discrimination rather than Zionists. America remains one of the best places in the world for Jews, where they can live in peace without breaking international laws.

Zionism is Harmful to Jews

The idea that Jews need Israel to have their own self-determination, security, and promote Judaism is not reflected in history. A critical analysis of the history of Zionism leads to the conclusion that the reverse is true: Zionism is dangerous to Jews, Americans, Israelis, and Arabs alike. An Iraqi Jew who immigrated to Israel and joined the Mossad as a spy details Israel’s policies towards Arab Jews: make aliyah to Israel or we will violently force you to move.[32] After the Nakba, Israel was in need of significant Jewish emigration to work on their newly-stolen farmlands and other blue-collar jobs. The Mossad used Arab Jews who could pose as Muslims in their native lands to disrupt Jewish livelihoods in the Arab world and force emigration to Israel. If it weren’t for radical Zionism, Jews could live anywhere they want peacefully, as they did for over 1,300 years before the rise of Zionism and Israel. In Morocco, for example, Jews held many legal rights in the country, maintained their own Halacha courts, and were free to additionally utilize Sharia courts and appeal to the Moroccan central government.[33] [34] A Jew living in Morocco was afforded significantly more rights than an Arab living in Israel or Palestine today, and arguably even more than a Jew living in the U.S. which has Jewish tribunals but no Halacha courts. Even Egyptian president Sisi stated that there was a Jewish family on his street when he grew up and nobody had a problem with them, and even so far as stated in 2019 that if Jews returned to Egypt, he would build synagogues and other communal institutions for them.[35] Could you imagine Israel or the U.S. stating the same about Muslims? A wider question is why Zionists need to be violent: if there were no Israeli state and a Palestinian state were in its place, Jews would still be free to make aliyah to the holy land and live in peace as they historically did. The only difference is the importation of racism, division, and violent extremism with Theodor Herzl’s version of it. In 2019, Devin Naar wrote a long article titled “Our White Supremacy Problem” and elaborates on the racism between different ethnicities among European Jews and their historic role in American white supremacy.[36] The Ashkenazi influx into the holy land came with racist baggage. Importing John Locke, David Hume, Immanuel Kant, and Hegel’s foreign, violent, colonial, and racist philosophies into the Middle East is in no one’s best interests.[37] Young Jews are even taught that the Arabs will “be their slaves” and there will be a big war where “all the Arabs will die.”[38] Not even the most radical Muslim terrorists like Osama bin Laden teach such intense bigotry, so why is our U.S. government backing this insanity?

They believe that when their messiah comes, they will start a big war and massacre and enslave the Arabs.

In 2019 Netanyahu stated: “Anyone who wants to thwart the establishment of a Palestinian state has to support bolstering Hamas and transferring money to Hamas. This is part of our strategy — to isolate the Palestinians in Gaza from the Palestinians in the West Bank.”[39] Even Donald Trump hinted that Israel does not want peace, stating: “I don’t think Bibi ever wanted to make peace,” Trump repeated. “I think he just tapped us along… ‘No, no, we want to, we want to’… But I think Bibi did not want to make peace. Never did.”[40] A 2010 report found that Israel has violated over 30 UN resolutions against them over previous decades and the U.S. has used its veto power at least 45 times in favor of Israel.[41][42]

If it’s clear that Israel was never interested in peace and promotes violent extremism worldwide, why are we allied with them and why were our soldiers sent off to war to risk their lives fighting for oppression abroad? When history speaks against you, stop, listen, and reconsider your positions.

Even religiously, Zionist radicals are bankrupt. They removed the name of God from their declaration of independence because the atheists among them refused to sign, stating that they had been fighting for a century to get rid of this “medieval oppression and clericalism.”[43] I think the world should agree to at least leave alone the religious, God-fearing people in, of all places, the Holy Land. They even redefined the term “Jew” to include atheists, as about a fifth of Israelis do not even believe in God. If you were a follower of the prophet Moses at his time and announced your atheism to him, what would he say to you? Jews traditionally referred to atheists as “minim” and “koferim” (heretics and disbelievers).[44] Even David Ben Gurion, the founder of Israel, was an atheist at the time of founding it and Israelis themselves have described early Israel as “atheist Zionism.”[45] They even use promiscuity to entice young American Jews to move to Israel. One author writes “I write often about how sex is used to stoke young American Jews’ identification with Israel. A lot of American Jews lose their virginity there.”[46] Another blogger described her experience on a Birthright Israel trip in detail: “Without question the best thing about being Jewish is the free sex vacation to Israel. Most Jewish youths between the ages of 18 and 26 have taken advantage of this miraculous perk to enjoy a weeklong, all-expenses-paid orgy in the desert. I am, of course, referring to Birthright.”[47] Of any place on Earth, one should surmise that the Holy Land should be kept sacred from American debauchery.

Critics of Zionism, especially Muslims, are frequently accused of and believed to be inherently antisemitic “Jew haters.” Yet even the founder of Hamas stated that he simply opposes Zionism for their usurpation of Palestinian lands and human rights abuses.[48] The second Hamas charter also states that their fight was against the “racist, aggressive, colonial and expansionist” Zionist project, Israel, but not against Judaism or Jews.[49] Thus, the problem with Zionism is not Judaism. Muslims have always lived peacefully with Jews in every country and gave them more rights than anyone else. The problem is not Jews legally moving to the holy land, either. They always have had that right under all Muslim states and laws. The problem is its racist apartheid system which discriminates against non-Jews, the obsession with violence against Arabs, human rights abuses, and its violent expansionist policies. I surmise that if Arab Jews ran Israel from the beginning without western interference, philosophies, and racism, there would be no problem in that country and everybody could live peacefully and probably equally. Even Hitler was inspired by American Jim Crow laws. Leading up to the Oct 7th attacks, Smotrich was instituting laws against Arabs resembling Jim Crow laws.[50]

The Day of Judgement is real, God will hold all of us to account for our atrocities, and you don’t want to be standing on that day along with the likes of Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Pharaoh, and Hirohito. In Exodus 1 and the Qur’an we find the story of Pharaoh who enslaved and killed the children of the Hebrews for fear of losing his power in Egypt. How is radical Zionism any different? After killing tens of thousands of innocent Palestinian women and children, who do you think the radical Zionists will be standing with on that day? So who will we stand with? Choose wisely.






[6] A Strategy for Israel in the Nineteen Eighties, Oded Yinon, KIVUNIM (Directions), A Journal for Judaism and Zionism; Issue No, 14–Winter, 5742, February 1982, World Zionist Organization:


[8] War on Iraq Conceived in Israel by Stephen J Sniegoski

















[25] Frank Giles (June 15, 1969). “Golda Meir: ‘Who can blame Israel’”. Sunday Times. p. 12.























[48] First Hamas charter:



